Saturday, June 27, 2009

DIY Iced Coffee

Oh yeah. Coffee with ice in it. Let's do this!

Jono's mom gave me an article entitled "Suck It Starbucks". Therein was a recipe for making your own iced coffee. Here it is:

"No one seems to understand why iced coffee costs so much more than the regular stuff....Well, coffee barons, your days of ripping us off are officially over. Making iced coffee from scratch requires less effort than brewing it hot, and if you do it right, you'll produce a smoother, richer, less bitter concoction than anything you'll find in stores."

"The secret is to steep low and slow: Put your coffee grounds into a stainless-steel pot or a French press and leave them in cold water overnight. The coffee flavor seeps into the cold water, so you get none of the bitterness that often accompanies brewing beans at high temperatures. You end up with a concentrated mixture so dark and potent it's practically opaque. If you make a large batch of the concentrate, you can leave some at home for the mornings and take a pitcher with you to work, where you'll be the envy of co-workers still paying that extra cash for inferior brew.
Here's how I do it:"

1. Pour about a third of a pound of freshly ground coffee into a 48-ounce French press

2. Fill the press with cold water and stir to wet the coffee grounds

3. Place the French press lid over the coffee (don't press the plunger) and leave at room temperature for at least 12 hours. The longer you leave it, the stronger the brew.

4. Press down the plunger, pour the concentrated coffee into a pitcher, and place in the refrigerator.

5. Dilute each serving of coffee 1-to-1 with ice-cold water (use more water if the coffee's too strong), pour over ice, and serve with milk and sugar. - Mark Kirby

Ice up kids! (I just noticed it's from those guys at GQ. What a bunch of metros.)

Pic from


Jan Lehman said...

Thanks for sharing! That reminded me that was going to get a coffee press for Jeff for Father's day and forgot - so we just got it now! Looking forward to using it soon!

Sarah said...

Good stuff! I am making it Manana!

Emily said...

Do it girl!

Vintage Dutch Girl said...

YUM! I'm definitely trying this one out. Just trying to figure out how to keep the grounds separate from the concentrated mixture as I don't have a french press.

Maybe I should pour it through a coffee filter after it's set overnight?

Emily said...

oh, we have a remedy for that VDG.

"if you don't have a french press, just put the coffee in a stainless-steel pot and pour the water over it. use half a pound of coffee to half a gallon of water. after 12 - 24 hours, pour the concentrate between 2 pots, dumping out the residual grounds after each pour until there's very little sediment remaining. then, to remove the finest grounds, pour the coffee through a cheesecloth or a sieve before it goes into the fridge." - gq boys

Anonymous said...

i read his article in GQ while in Italy and im glad you reposted it. for the last week i have been collecting my supplies and my first batch will be ready tomorrow. Ciao Starbucks , hello savings.