Thursday, September 9, 2010

Spilled Milk

The first sentence I remember hearing Jude say was when I asked him where his Daddy was in a photo. He pointed at Jono's face and said, "There he is!"

Since then he's said "Light, I see it!" (pointing to a lamp) and "Look at that!" (after something he thinks is cool just happened). There are also plenty of things he says that have no translations.

Yesterday as he finished his supper he tipped his sippy cup over and put pressure on the nozzle so it would release a small puddle of milk onto his tray. He pressed his face down into it, nose and mouth in full contact with the liquid, and slurped it up until it was gone. He raised his head and looked at me, a drop of milk trembling on the end of his nose and another one running down his chin.

"Slurp it," he said.

He followed the same routine another five or six times, saying "slurp it" every time.

I sat there quietly, intrigued. As often as Jono and I are tempted to slurp milk off the table, I'm thinking he must've picked this up at daycare. Either that or we're in denial he's becoming a little boy. He's so nonchalant lately. When one of us walks into the room he casually raises a hand and says, "Oh, hi."

He seems to have picked up on the social cues of an older child.

For now I'll just watch. And laugh.


j and r said...


Belinda said...

Love it. Every day is an adventure with him! Jealous that I can't be with him everyday like you are :). I know - I'm a little pathetic. I was as a mom - now I am as a grandma! Live with it!

Brenda said...

Too cute. Love how you write :-)

Emily said...

thanks dears ;)

Jan Lehman said...

I really missed my Friday with Jude. Yes, there are discoveries every day and it such fun to be a part of it. And I'm so glad to finally have a name that is called to attention numerous times each visit. Sometimes it's "Gagga" and sometimes it's "Gamma!" but each time, he's demanding that I pay attention to the towers he loves to build on the coffee tables.