Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Date

Jude and I went on a date yesterday while Daddy was in class. The line-up was the library, Uncle Cheetah's Soup Shop, and then home again to read our new books before his nap.

But first, he shoveled the driveway. We couldn't leave in the state it was in.



On the way to the library, I drilled him on his age and full name. He's one, and his name is Jude Donna Klooster.

After picking out some books, we headed to the soup shop. He helped me sample a few before we settled on a cup of jalapeno corn chowder and a grilled cheese sandwich.

He ate with his feet up on the table, singing the Veggie Tales theme song.

The 30-ish waitress came out once and he became obsessed with her, smirking and practically giving her a wink. He said, "I'm flirting," minus the "r" sound, which makes everyone in his vicinity want to squish his face. I'm just guessing.

Getting to spend a full day with him is so great. He changes quickly, and sometimes I feel like I need to get to know him again on the weekend.

Last night we were reading books again before bed. I could tell he wasn't tired, so we got under the covers and whispered for awhile. He squished my cheeks between his palms and laughed.

It was a good end to our day. He knows how to show me a good time.


kristen joy said...

so cute! i can't wait to have dates with my little fin:)

Belinda said...

So so sweet! Jude, Grandma wants a date with you next! Pleeeease?

Jan Lehman said...

Jono and Emily, Jude is a precious gift. Thanks for sharing him, physically and thru this blog. I can attest that he DOES indeed change so quickly. What a treat last week when he asked, "Grandma, do you want to play blocks with me?" Who in their right mind could say no!

Ant said...

Awwww, those dutch guys really know how to treat a gal. :)))
P.S.- I want to kiss Jude!

Tyler James said...

thanks em!

Emily said...

Kristen, it's the best :)

Mom G and Mom L - your "dates" are coming up this weekend, so start primping. (Mom L, I can't say enough how much we appreciate you taking him every Friday. We're glad you love it too!)

Ant, I heart my two Dutch boys.

Ty, my pleasure :)