Thursday, May 31, 2012

Zero to Six

It's safe to say I've missed a few monthly updates on Theo.

So, finally, I present to you... Theo's first six months :)

We went from crying issues to feeding issues to sleeping issues and back again. What we have now is a sweet baby boy with looking-glass pools for eyes. He has a dimple on his upper right cheek, a cleft in his tiny chin, and fuzzy hair that stands on end. He still doesn't sleep (much), but apparently this lies within our genes. He is forgiven.

To save time, I'll speed through these first few months.

ONE MONTH: Small (Five Pounds +!). Slept Lots. It Was Christmas.

 TWO MONTHS: Crying. Lost weight. Food Sensitivity. Chiropractor. Medication. First Smiles.

THREE MONTHS: Pumping Lots to Chunk Him Up. Turned a Corner.

FOUR MONTHS: Rolling Over. Thrush Treatment. Hair Starts to Float Off Head.

FIVE MONTHS: Standing. Delighted Shrieking. Totally Crappy Sleep Patterns. His "Tuft" Appears and His Mullet Shrinks.

 SIX MONTHS: Rice Cereal. Better Sleep. First Two Teeth (At Once). Floaty Hair.

I have a good feeling about this month. He's been a challenging little guy, but he is the sweetest thing, and we've had many good moments. The other day I put his little bare feet into the grass for the first time. He also reached out to stroke a dandelion gone to seed. This is one of my favorite things about motherhood - watching them discover these simple experiences most of us don't notice or savor any more.

Theo is constantly seeking me out with his ginormous eyes. He just started reaching for my face whenever he needs some comfort. He also likes to pinch, scratch and slap me now, but it is all affectionate. When I read to him, he alternately looks at the book, then me, even though our heads are less than an inch apart lying on the bed. When I take him out in public, people ooo and aahh over his eyes, his legwarmers, his hand-knit booties. Theo dresses to impress.

Here are a few extra shots I couldn't help but include. Wired, perpetually flexed baby, anyone?



Jan Lehman said...

more later on this great post, but I was wondering about teeth last time I took care of him but didn't dare even mention it. Thought it was way too early and I was just imagining things. And yes, his eyes as are amazing as big brother Jude's ability to read letters at 3 1/2 years old.

Kirsten Gardzelewski said...

He is absolutely delicious!!! What a sweet little guy, hope I get to meet him before his wedding day!