Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Kids say the darndest things.

Jono was out on the back deck last night with Jude. The neighbor kids were in their backyard jumping on the trampoline with some little friends. One of them peeked over the fence and yelled,

"Your baby looks like a Mexican!"

"What?" Jono said. "He looks like a Mexican?"

"Just kidding," she said, as an afterthought.

"Did that kid just say Jude looks like a Mexican?" I asked through the sliding glass door.

"Yep," Jono said.

We both agreed there's nothing wrong with looking like a Mexican. And we laughed.


Brenda said...

Ha- I don't think those kids have spent much time in So. Calif.- then they would know what a mexican looks like. Funny!

Emily said...

That's what we thought - how many Mexicans have blue eyes and pasty skin? The only thing I could think of is his very round chubby face, but's a stretch.

rach said...

Does Jude speaka the spanish like a mexican too?

Emily said...

Ha ha! Yes, of course :)