Wednesday, March 3, 2010

[Michigan Awesome]

In honor of this year's family stay-cation (about to begin), I send you some love from Michigan. Awesome.

[Michigan Awesome]: a celebration of hometown love disguised as a shirt company
Want more Michigan? (Who doesn't?) Check out too.


kristen joy said...

very nice! maybe i'll have to make a new screen print:)

Belinda said...

Yeah - that means that soon we get Jude :). Also, so happy that you are going to have some time off to do some stuff you don't usually get to do! Love you.

Emily said...

thanks mom! we can't wait to kick back in good old g-rap.

kristen - they're hip and i would wear all of them. at 20 bucks each i will have to be choosy. let me know if you come up with a more "economical version" :)

kristen joy said...

em, if i can actually get a screen to work for once, i'll make you one for zero dollars. i like the blog makeover, by the way...very hip:). hurray for staycations! you deserve some time off, my friend.