Sunday, April 18, 2010


Is it weird that I'm currently lusting after blenders? Be honest.

I want an old one made of glass, but the catch is that it also has to work (form and function). The one we have now is giving off an aroma when we run it; a kind of burning-plastic/frying-rubber smell that I don't love. It also doesn't really, how do you say... blend things any more.

These are two functioning models I found on Etsy recently; both out of my price range, but one can dream.


Sarah said...

I am seriously worried about you...
: ) Sarah Z.

Anonymous said...
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Emily said...

*Sigh* I know, I know.

kristen joy said...

our blender just quit working, too! it smelled like an electrical fire every time we used it. i finally retired it when smoke started billowing from its base. i, too, am on a quest for the perfect, inexpensive blender:)

Emily said...

finally, someone who understands ;) we got one last week...from costco. not the cool vintage one i had in mind, but it IS glass and probably less expensive than it would've been elsewhere. plus (big plus), it works.