Wednesday, April 28, 2010

"Donna's Darlings"

So Jude is in day-care now. I never thought I'd say those words, but there they are.

We knew this was coming. So far Jono has been swinging the SAHD thing and full-time school with some help from Aunt Kathy and Grandma Lehman. But now his school-work is increasing and he hopes to get an internship soon; we need more child-care.

Jude is a little clingy at drop-off, but doing well with it. I struggled with it the first week, fighting mental battles with myself, including feeling like a failure because I'm unable to take care of my son during the day.

It's more what "day care" apparently symbolized to me than anything else; frankly, it's only part-time and it has been good for him so far. He actually sees other children on a regular basis, which is a huge improvement from before. We were starting to worry about the confused looks he would give our two-year-old neighbor when she approached, because he obviously had no idea what she was.

Our day-care lady's name is Donna. She was a tip from my co-worker Paul who sent his boys there for years. He told me the kids still ask about Donna even though they don't go there any more, and they send her cards on Easter.

He did warn me about a couple things: "Donna is old. And her house is tiny. But you'll love her." We do love her. She calls her in-home outfit "Donna's Darlings" - straight out of the 50's just like her (and I mean that affectionately).

She takes her job very seriously, but is laid-back and gentle with the kids. She notices and remembers every detail of what Jude did during the day, how he reacted to this or that, what his little personality is like. (The other day she told us, "He has an amazing attention span for a kid his age." *Brag alert*) She takes the kids to the library, lets them play outside, plays them lullabies at nap-time and reads to them. She even visits the fire department every other month to make sure the car-seats are installed properly in her minivan. Sheesh. The woman is a gem.

He has little friends now. Their names are Carmine, Manny, Skyler and Peyton. Three out of the four are at least two years older than he is; Peyton is a few months younger. Whenever Jono drops Jude off, three-year-old Carmine is at his side the second his toddling feet hit the floor. He tenderly puts his arm around him, pats his back, and says earnestly, "Hi Jude," with a little bit of precious inflection in his voice. I guess he's the perfect age for them: smaller and more helpless (making them feel strong and big), yet old enough that they can relate to him on some level.

As I walk up to the front door to pick Jude up, five round faces usually pop up in the picture window by Donna's kitchen table, most of them chewing pleasantly on crackers. At first it was so strange for me to see my baby in there with a bunch of people I didn't really know. But lately I can see their mouths form the words, "Jude's mom" in excitement through the glass, and Jude has a smirk on his face. When I walk through the door I get loud, enthusiastic reports of his activities from them.

"Hi Jude's mom!"
"A bus went by and Jude said 'bus'!"
"Jude doesn't like grass!"
"Jude can talk! And walk!!"
"I sat by Jude at lunch!"

Peyton just slobbers and smiles continuously.

It's a good by-product of a somewhat challenging situation. We're grateful for Donna. And Carmine, Manny, Skyler and Peyton. They're starting to feel like Jude's other family.


Jan Lehman said...

Thanks for sharing all of those personal feelings. I have been wondering how that whole situation was going. Being able to put such a positive spin on it helps make it a positive thing. And you're so right about the social stuff - such a crucial element of growing up. (For all of you I guess!) Donna sounds like a dream! What a great find for you all.

Brenda said...

you are a good are a good mom... you are a good mom....

Emily said...

thanks :) love you both.

Belinda said...
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Belinda said...

Loved the details as to how things are going. So precious to picture little Jude there with his friends. You and Jono are doing what you need to do and doing it for the future of Jude and any other little Kloosters that may join the family down the road :). So proud of you, Emily.
P.S. I especially like Carmine!

Biz said...

for some reason i picture manny as a very fat child with curly hair. am i correct? if not fat, very koosy at least.

Emily said...

Manny is average size with straight hair. Sorry to disappoint you Bretty.

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