Monday, May 17, 2010

Are you as smart as a 6th grader?

This post may seem a little bizarre, but here's the back-story.

My dad teaches sixth grade in Holland, MI. Obsessed Grandpa that he is, Jude is always making it onto the online quizzes his students take in the form of a math question. (He proudly shows them to me beforehand.) The kids will answer 24 "normal" math questions, and then suddenly in the middle of everything they are required to answer a question about this baby named Jude, who is doing something ridiculous that a baby would never do. Anyway, I think it's funny.

Here they are, starting with the one above. I typed the questions out because they're small and hard to read.

Q: Jude bought this chair for $300. How much did he pay in sales tax if the tax rate was 6%?

(answer a: none. babies are exempt from paying sales tax.)

Q: Jude is a chair salesman (or salesbaby) and is delivering this chair after selling it for $200. He makes a 5% commission on every sale. How much will he make on the sale of the chair in commission?

(answer b: nothing, because he will not be able to physically deliver the chair.)

Q: Jude purchased this flannel shirt at a 25% discount. The original price was $30. What did he pay for this shirt after the discount? (do not worry about taxes on this one)

Q: If Jude eats five raisins every two minutes, how many minutes would it take him to eat 40 raisins?

Q: How many cookies would Jude get if he ordered five dozen?

Q: What are three correct ways that Jude could rename the number 4? He really wants to know.

I like how he tries to pawn these off as normal quiz questions. I don't think the kids bat an eye at this sort of thing any more. It is kind of weird that 28 sixth graders (give or take a few) answer quiz questions about my son, but if this is his 15 minutes of fame, we'll take it.


Tyler James said...

hahaha. amazing

Emily said...

hahaha. yes, i know.

Emily said...

love you :)

Dad Geertsma said...

Research has shown that questions including pictures of Jude have increased math least in my classroom.

Brenda said...

OH MY WORD..... I've seen it all!! I'm having a Dad/Dude/Dudette Father's Day reading/thingy at my library on June 10th. Do I have permission to incorporate Jude into that as well????
(Meant kind of tongue in cheek, but kind of- if I could think of some way of doing it I will)

Belinda said...

That Grandpa - he's something! Hope you know how much he loves you, Jude!

Jan Lehman said...

Well, I happen to agree with Jim; I'm sure my math scores would have been much better in 6th grade if I'd had someone so darn cute to attach corrrect answers to! (Hey, maybe it would have helped my English, eh?!)

j and r said...

Very funny quizzes.

Research has shown that you are too much, Jim. :)

I wonder how Jude will do in math with a father and grandfather so smart with numbers??

Emily said...

Let's hope he doesn't take after me in that area. 9 + 0 = heartache.