Monday, May 24, 2010

Squeaky Clean

Clean obsessed? Here are a few reasons to get over it. This woman from The Zero Waste Home can be a wee bit preachy, but she has some good things to say. I had fallen into some of these habits by accident - being a non-germophobe and all - though one thing I don't think I'll ever attempt is the "Diva Cup". Sorry. (Line drawn within millimeters of that one.)

I admit these "non-wasteful" habits are not about me being wise or forward-thinking. They're part of an obsession beginning in my childhood with hoarding things I mysteriously deemed rare and precious. Once I saved a gummy worm next to my bed for months because it was the new kind that had a face and I couldn't bear to eat it, and also because I didn't know if I'd ever get another one (thanks Mom and Dad for not spoiling me... except for with love.)

Back to cleanliness: Jono would like to point out that exceptions can be made for those with extreme dust and dust-mite allergies... in other words, if you are one of these peeps you are advised to wash your bedsheets every week in hot water.

In addition to that, you may want to replace your pillow every year or two, and buy a mattress cover designed for people with these allergies. You can ask Jono about the ratio of dust/dust mite feces to pillow fluff after a year; I admit, it's a little shocking (slash revolting.) Perhaps there are things we just shouldn't know.

Captain Clear Passage (as he was known in college) knows his stuff after his latest visit to an allergist. His allergies are so bad that he just began a years-long series of weekly shots to build up his immunity to them. *Sigh* Maybe someday we shall return to my ideal of a twice monthly washing of sheets and towels (but being married to a not-so-housework-challenged Klooster Male, it's not likely. Jan K, you know what I'm talking about. Perhaps I should be thankful :)

Man, I'm almost defeating the purpose of posting the "don't be too clean" link here.

For those who check this blog for only one reason, there will be more posts on Jude squashing bugs with one pudgy finger coming right up.


kristen joy said...

the diva cup ain't so bad, em. you should try it:)

Emily said...

Ahhh!! I don't know Keek. I am impressed, I must say. Do you still? We can finish this conversation later :)

Sarah said...

Again, LOVE IT! Just sent the link to a few people in my life who need to settle down a bit in the clean freak, germaphobe department. I am all about immunity through exposure, saving water and other ideas mentioned... there is a commercial that comes on in the winter where a mom is trying to open a door with her feet to avoid germs, What are we teaching people!!!!! I am with you though on the diva cup :)

Brenda said...

Did you finally eat the gummy worm with a face? (I need resolution)...
Also, does this mean if you Jono & Jude ever come to visit us that you would prefer previously body-swiped towels in the bathroom? Just wondering.

Emily said...

Ant, I only require a clean towel upon first use... by me :) But other than that, you can serve our food on the floor for all I care. Builds the immune system ;)

Belinda said...

Wow - good comebacks, sis. I prefer clean towels when I come, thank you. And I'm thinking (hoping?) I finally discovered that hard gross old gummy bear by your bed, Emy, and threw it away :). Squished bug with pudgy finger soon, please!

Emily said...

I don't remember what happened to the gummy worm. Mom, I can just hear you worrying about people thinking you raised us in a barn - ha ha.

Anonymous said...

From the look of it, it was at least a closed door barn.