Monday, June 27, 2011

Some Interesting Maps

And the mother of them all (and the one that I think affects women my age the most):

Sometimes I have a little chuckle about the skewed view of what exactly constitutes "family values" in the U.S. Hmm.

Could we possibly make any progress with more family-friendly workplaces? With a nation that truly values family, and time spent with them, rather than using the term "family values" as an empty political platform to incite fear of one another?

My grandparents crossed an ocean to live here. We have it good in so many areas, and I am grateful for those things that set us apart in healthy ways. But as with all good things, there's always room for improvement, no?

Maps found at Sociological Images


Belinda said...

I agree wholeheartedly, Emily. There is nothing more important or life changing than what happens in our homes. "When the real history of mankind is fully disclosed, will it feature the echoes of gunfire or the shaping sound of lullabies? The great armistices made by military men or the peacemaking of women in homes and in neighborhoods? Will what happened in cradles and kitchens prove to be more controlling than what happened in congresses? N.A. Maxwell

Ant said...


Jan Lehman said...

I second that with AMEN!

Emily said...

I know our country's in debt and all (thanks for pointing this out, Dad), but maybe we could cut some military spending in the future and invest instead in maternity/paternity leaves, education and health care. Woot!

Anonymous said...

The data is a bit misleading in that it looks like Yemen is a better place to live than the USA in regards to family leave policies. Yemen has other policies that no one would want as you know, such as a lack of freedom of expression. To judge a nation based on one policy amongst many is a bit of a manipulation of data. I wish our country would have a friendlier policy in regards to families, but I certainly would not want to live in most of the nations on the map.

Emily said...

I'm not judging everything about a country based on one set of stats, I'm just pointing out one area that is important to me personally that, in my view, could use some improvement. Also, are you going by your chauffeur's name now? It kinda throws me off ;)