Tuesday, June 14, 2011

M.I.A. / Y2K

We've been kind of M.I.A. lately. Energy has been focused mostly on our work, getting Jude to and from his caregivers, family stuff, and getting enough sleep so that we can function properly.

Oh, and I've had a little side project I've been working on. It involves these picures of my innards, and its name at the moment is Baby K2. Kind of like Y2K, in the sense that we're expecting something big.

K2 at 8 weeks (lower left of black oval)

At 8 weeks, K2 looked like an amoeba with tiny legs and arms pulled in close to its body. We saw the flicker of a heartbeat. Even as a blob, it was a tiny bit cute.

I'm 14 weeks now, and have already gotten two ultrasounds because of what happened last time with the blighted ovum thing + a little spotting episode. Of course I was freaking out about the latter, but it helped that I'd been warned it might happen from something they saw in the first ultrasound, and could be harmless.

K2 at 12 weeks

Here you can see the shape of K2's head, and the outline of a forehead and nose. In the actual image I was able to find an arm, bent at the elbow, and hand up near the side of the face. The heart was still beating. This fact amazes me more now than it did the first time around.

The feelings I had being wheeled in to the ultrasound room, versus being wheeled out, couldn't have been more in contrast with one another.

We are happy, and hopeful.


Anonymous said...

So excited for you Emily and Jono! Baby #2 is precious already. Thank you for posting. Keep up the good work, it will all be worth it in the end. :) -Julie

Emily said...

Thank you, Julie! I know it will :)

Jan and Ricl said...

Baby K2 is pretty spectacular already :):).
So thankful thankful that all is coming along well and you are comforted. We are, too. Thank you, God.
Grandma and Grandpa K

Tyler James said...

can't wait!

Kirsten Gardzelewski said...

Looks like a perfect little angel! Can't wait to meet the little one and introduce you guys to Sam!:)

Belinda said...

Stay safe, little one. There are so many who love you already.