Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Internet Candy

I haven't been taking the time to write any posts about family life lately, so to make sure it doesn't seem like we've died, herein is some Internet Candy that is getting me through February.

My routine lately after Jude is in bed is to make myself a hot cup of green tea and curl up on the couch with five blankets and a laptop. Typically I'm too tired to clean or do anything productive. Instead, here's where I end up.

1) PINTEREST. This Interweb Monster plays right into my weaknesses. Pinterest.com is a black hole. Or you could call it a hobby, if you're feeling polite. If you're a visual person, you'll love it. It involves "pinning" things to a virtual pin-board, like this:

It's a visual collection of things you love. Essentially it allows you to curate collections of things under any category you want, using images. Oh yes.

Here are mine, if you care to peek. It makes me a little giddy in a Cabin Fever sort of way to look at them. One of them is "destinations", and I'm pinning things in lots of bright colors that are slowly soothing my snow vision. Joining is weird. You don't instantly get an account; they put you on a waiting list. But it's only a few days long and then you get an invite.

2) AMUSING BLOGS. Like Irina Werning's Back to the Future, where she finds old childhood photos, presumably of people she knows, then helps them to recreate their outfit, pose, facial expression perfectly as an adult. I don't want to make any assumptions about your mental state this time of year, but I Laughed. Out. Loud.

Disclaimer: some partial nudity. Picture someone recreating a baby photo taken while naked and holding an accordion.

3) YOUTUBE. Of course. Best clip I've found lately is Man Cold. Enjoy, ladies.

I need to find a good book.

Or do some yoga.

I can feel my muscles liquefying.

I hope y'all are holed up and cozy, like we are. Just a few short weeks until March, then April near the end of which winter finally ends :)


kristen joy said...

oooh, i've been wanting to do that pinterest thing! as soon as i have some free time (ha!)...

Emily said...

you'd love it!