Friday, May 1, 2009

J to the U to the D to the E... a H to the A to the T. This hat is a little big on him and looks like head gear at the moment. But sadly, it is Jude's very last hat. I will have to start a new installment. (No, this is not a plea for everyone to go out and buy him a gazillion hats. But if the spirit moves you...)

Please vote your preference:

Jude About Town
Jude in a Tank Top
Jude in Booties
Jude Doing Grown-up Things That Are Funny When a Baby Does Them
Other Ideas?


Unknown said...

Do you have any idea how pathetically much I look forward to Friday's installment of Jude in a hat? How about Jude & Mona (as I'm starved for anything dog related!) Thank you for all of the entertainment you provide for us old folks each week!!! Love, Ant B

Malissa Eekhoff said...

I vote for "The Roaming Jude" (like the Travelocity Gnome) Ok, so maybe he won't be in exotic locals but plopped in different scenery with a pointy elf hat:)

Emily said...

Ant, I'm glad you love Jude in a Hat so much! Jude and Mona kind of have their own installment going already called "BFFs". I will post another one of those asap!

Mal, that's what I was going for with "Jude About Town". It's a great idea and it will force me to get out of the house more ;)

Dad Geertsma said...

I would like to see Jude learning things with a curious look on his face. I always loved those pictures of my kids. We bought Jude another hat at Goodwill on Friday, Em. Dad

Tyler James said...

jude doing grown up things! like chopping wood, sending faxes, doing the dishes, ect...