Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Raw milk? Yes please.

As of two weeks ago, we own 2% of one-quarter of a cow (or something like that) on this farm. That means we get some of her milk. I don't know what her name is, but I know she has one. Apparently the farmer couple name all of their girls.

Our brother and sister-in-law Joel and Jessie offered us part of their share and we thought, why not. We get a half-gallon of raw, whole milk from our part-of-a-cow each week. Jessie and I take turns going out there to pick it up and sometimes we go together. We bring giant mason jars and get the milk right out of the tank in the parlor. (I now realize how convenient the milk man must have been. Oh those lucky people living in the 50's.)

It is definitely more "milky" than what I've gotten used to. I've had raw milk before -- we used to drink it right out of the tank at my aunts and uncles' dairy farms -- but we never had it regularly and for the past few years I've been drinking skim along with the rest of urban society.
At first I thought I might have to start working out a lot (which I should be doing anyway). But it is so filling that I actually end up eating maybe half of the cereal that I used to, and for once I don't feel like my stomach is starting to digest itself by mid-morning. It even comes with the cream on top like in the olden days, which I skim off for my coffee. Plus I feel good about the extra vitamins and what-not we're getting out of it.

So, anyway...we're trying to support our local farmers a little better, especially the ones that are nice to their cows and chickens by letting them walk around in fields pecking at things and chewing some good, grassy cud. I get eggs from my co-worker Steve who has a coop behind his house. If we'd lived in Honduras longer I totally would've gotten my own little flock of cluckers. Everyone did it there. My side of the family is super farmy, so I have to represent.
So, I'm curious. Would you drink this stuff? It used to be that people didn't want milk without the cream on top, but I think things have changed :)


Jenna Grover said...

not sure em - that may be a bit too organic for me, i think it's great though and secretly wish i could:)

Emily said...

Jenna, maybe on Mile 24 you'll start craving some ;)

Dad Geertsma said...

I grew up drinking about a quart of raw milk per day. I have never broken a bone and have strong teeth. I heard it gave you curly hair, which I used to have a lot of. I think it is a great idea, but you are getting lots of fat. Dad

Emily said...

I am getting more fat, but it's the "good kind".

Brenda said...

Would I drink the stuff- unequivocably- NOOOOO WAAAAAY!! Too many memories of having to finish a 16 ounce glass of milk at every meal that sometimes was still warm and had cream on the top. EWWWWW!
P.S. What's green cud anyway? Another farmy thing I failed to learn when I was growing up?

Emily said...

Green cud? It just means the cows are grass-fed, which is unfortunately rare these days. They are mostly fed grain in cramped feed lots, which is an unnatural diet and environment for them. Free-range, grass-fed cows are healthier, so their meat and milk are better too.

I actually thought of you while writing this post. I pictured you getting grossed out ;)

Emily said...

P.S. Ant, around these parts we keep the milk nice and cold. I can't drink it warm either!

Jessie said...

The cow's name is Mikki. She's a beauty :)

Emily said...

Ahhhh! I didn't know you knew her name Jess. I can't believe you didn't tell me. Do you know which one she is? If so, pleeeaaase point her out to me next time we're out there. I wonder if one of those little calves is hers. Mikkiii!!!

Kirsten Gardzelewski said...

I don't think I could drink milk with cream on the top, although it does sound very tasty in coffee. However, I am very happy to report that we DO have a milk man (yes, in 2009) and we drink organic milk...not quite as organic as you though. Mine is still nonfat, Ivan's 1.5% and Asher's whole!:) Every Wed. morning we go out to the deck and get our 1/2 gallons out of our little wooden box. I think Asher thinks milk comes from a box...Jude won't have that confusion if you keep this up!:)

Emily said...

Kirsten, I am jealous of your milk man. Better Asher thinks it comes from a wooden box on the deck than a plastic container in the store. You're still cutting out the middle man ;)

Dad Geertsma said...

Actually, Emily, having your milk delivered is adding another middle man. Dad

Emily said...

Thank you Dad. I had thought of that, but I'd rather just pay the milk man than the pasteurizer, homogenizer, delivery driver across seven states AND the grocery store ;)

Jono said...

Don't forget the factory farmer who supplied the feed to the other farm for its cows, and the taxes you pay to subsidize that feed farm...

Sarah said...

Nope, wouldn't touch the stuff.. I'm all for supporting the local farmers and such, but I want my milk as far removed from the cow as possible!

Emily said...

There's no getting around the fact that an egg comes out of a chicken's bum. But I don't blame anyone who would rather just eat the egg without thinking about it too much (same goes for milk).

Oh, and remind me to tell you what my grandpa said once about roosters. It is too R-rated for this blog.

Jan said...

No, thank you.

j and r said...

No, thanks. :):) I have a bad experience .. did I ever tell you?

Emily said...

No, please do.