Tuesday, August 3, 2010


I've heard it said that it isn't as fun to dress boys as it is to dress girls. Frankly, I love boy stuff. Better than girl stuff. Not that I've ever had any opportunity to buy girl things, but whatever. Don't tell me the items below aren't more irresistible than any tu-tu you've ever seen. Don't tell me.

My friend Ernie has a hat similar to this one, picked by his wife of good taste, Kristen.
I think Jude could pull it off spectacularly.

From Woodland Rogue on Etsy

If we lived in Liverpool I might dress him in this:

But these will do. Based on British flashcards.
(They'd do a whole lot better if they weren't so bloody expensive.)

From Charlie and Sarah on Etsy

OR, Jude and mama could be twinners. A shirt for him, a bag for me:

Charlie and Sarah again, on Etsy

OR we could be twinners again wearing matching shirts.
This may be taking it too far. But I'll admit, I'm going there in my head.

From Happy Family on (where else) Etsy

Hmmm. There is a 2nd birthday coming up. And I suppose I could make a couple of exceptions to his second-hand wardrobe, for the occasion.


Jan Lehman said...

This has potential of a new series of "Jude and Mama......". all cute stuff - just like the potential wearers!

Sarah said...

As a mom who dresses girls, I would love to dress boys b/c boy clothes are way more durable and age appropriate.

Emily said...

Girls deserve better! If we have one she'll probably be wearing Jude's old clothes ;)