Sunday, November 21, 2010


We had a little birthday party for Jude this past weekend - just a gathering of our parents, two of our brothers, one sister-in-law and one set of (great)grandparents.

Jude liked his carrot cake, especially the cream-cheese frosting, which he gently poked with the tip of his finger and tenderly ate. He then destroyed four pieces. I was feeling fancy so I attempted to make it look like an elephant, which he liked once we told him what it was. He needed to use his imagination.

Click for pics. We love you Jude. So much.



Jan Lehman said...

Jude, thank you so much for inviting us, for dressing up so fine, providing grins, giggles and great memories of your 2nd birthday. Hope your mom and dad survived your sugar surge! Enjoy all your new toys and we look forward to seeing you in some of your fine, new attire. We love you muchly!

Emily said...

Thanks GaGa!