Tuesday, November 8, 2011

A not-brown room

Calling myself out on this one... this post is classically stay-at-home-mom-ish. Oh well.

Jude moved into a new room months ago, and I just got around to taking a few pics of it the other day. It's the kind of room that a little boy lives in, with a real bed.  (In fact, I just went to check on him during his nap and found him sleeping under the bed.  Whatever works.)

I think every house has a word that describes how it feels when you walk in. Ours is probably earthy. Earth tones, Marushka silk screen canvases from the 70's, a smattering of mostly second-hand furniture that was made between the decades of 1920 and 1960.

I like old stuff, for sure, but in Jude's room I wanted to lighten it up a bit.  Because my only complaint about some parts of our house is that they're dominated by the same old-furniture brown color.

So... I made him a peaceful, vibrant, not-brown little nook to be in whenever he wants to. I pictured him in it, pushing his trucks around and making a motor sound with his mouth, paging through the books on his not-brown bookshelf.

It's my new favorite room in the house.


Jan Lehman said...

It's the perfect room for Jude!

Malissa Eekhoff said...

Your sense of decorating is so thoughtful Em. It's adorable.