Thursday, October 27, 2011

It's a ROCK

Jude started drawing people recently.  In this one, he first drew me (the circle inside the circle) and then Daddy (the circle around the circle that is me).  My head is actually inside of Daddy's head, which I found interesting. 

My hair is a blob to the far right of my scalp, and I have two to three eyes.  Daddy has no hair, but he does have eyes (far right).  

I don't know who is represented with the other circle, but whoever it is has earmuffs on, I think.

Here's another.

This was his second stab at portraiture.  It's me again, but with a red mohawk.  I love it.

Right before he drew this one he'd drawn a different one, but he wasn't happy with it.  First he announced he was about to draw me.  When he'd finished a jagged circle for my face, I asked, "Is that my head, Jude?"  He took a step back and said in frustration, "No, it's a ROCK."

Ever since then, if he draws a circle that he thinks is less than perfect, it is not someone's head.  It's a rock.  Remember that. 

The End


Anonymous said...

I don't want to assume that my grandson has talent, but I do see some resemblances in his drawings.

Jan Lehman said...

I think he's taking up where his daddy left off many years ago.

Tyler James said...
