Sunday, June 10, 2012

theo's room

back in the day i posted about jude's nursery, so i thought i'd keep things even steven and do to it for my baby theo as well.

we are not really into the idea of redecorating the entire nursery (that is, buying new stuff) just because there's a different baby in it... but i did want the room to have theo's unique flavor (ha). what you'll see in the room that is uniquely his are the curtains, his newly painted side-table (it was one my grandparents' received at their wedding), a few art prints I already had on hand, and his mobile.

i picked the curtain fabric but sewing machines make me hyperventilate, so Auntie Jessie did a phenomenal job making them for me. i love them. the room was a bit austere before, and these are just fun.

i made the mobile (say, what) out of stuff i had lying around in the basement that was waiting to be re-purposed: a "crown" of twigs i unfastened from an old Pier One lampshade, and globe lamp covers from a broken strand of lights. i hung the resulting contraption from a potted plant hanger and BAM. free mobile. easy, too.

Gwen Frostic prints (a Michigan-based artist and naturalist)

The old side table, painted by Mom

"Global Babies" was a fave of both my boys :)

The re-purposed mobile

Theo's baptismal bib

That's pretty much it. Theo might be in this room longer than Jude was, so I hope he likes the color scheme. Gender neutral is how we roll :)


Belinda said...

Didn't know you made the mobile! So glad you gave me kudos on the paint job :). Love little Theo's room. And rocking him in the same chair I rocked you in.

Jan Lehman said...

I noticed the curtains right away and felt cozier with them. I think Theo likes cozy.