Sunday, April 12, 2009


Most people have a babe's room ready months before he/she makes an entrance, but it just didn't happen that way for us. With the chaos of moving in when I was nine months preggers, we were a tad behind. Sure we had a crib and changing table - the essentials - but for me a room isn't really finished until there's stuff on the walls and it's arranged to my liking. I can be a little, shall we say, picky about the placement of objects, so it took even longer than it should have.

But all is well now - we finished the room last week. I don't know about you, but I love peeking into other people's houses to see what they have around and what it says about 'em. If you're as nerdy about that sort of thing as me, you'll enjoy this post, if not, you'll think this post is, well...nerdy.

A few interesting tidbits:

1) I'm not big on the blue-for-boys, pink-for-girls idea in bedrooms. So we did green walls and lots of bright accent colors.

2) The "E is for Elephant (and Emily)" bib was mine. My mom made it for me. Now it makes a nice wall hanging for Jude.

3) The four-bird textile (now in a frame) was brought back from Panama from Jude's globe-trotting Great Grandma Klooster. She went there just a year or two ago. The rest of us can only hope to be as cool in our 80s.

4) The rocking chair was my parents', and my mom rocked me and all three of my brothers to sleep in it when we were bambinos.

Pics! (Click to make them bigger.)


Dad Geertsma said...

Emily, To correct your subtitle, Patrick Henry cared very little for Spring, but valued liberty much more. Love the post, Emily. Dad

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I love my grandson's room. You did a wonderful job, Em.