Friday, February 27, 2009

Spring Cleaning

I know it isn't Spring in Michigan yet, and it won't be until about May 25. (Notice the dripping-with-melancholy grey tone to these photos. Blah). But yesterday it felt like we were spring cleaning our trees.

We have a bunch of nice old ones in our neighborhood, but two of ours were too far past their prime and had to be taken down. Jude took some great naps with all the white noise from the chain saws, and our yard now looks like Paul Bunyan was back there having a hey-day. (Use the husky in the far left of the photo for scale.) So that was our entertainment for the day. Sad, I know. I can't wait until it warms up and we can actually go places.

Mona was a little alarmed by the tree carnage. I think she put a crick in her neck looking at the guys hanging from the branches.

On a sidenote, as I sat in a living room chair nursing at around 12:30, I realized I had forgotten to pull down the shades. So there I sat as the strapping young tree removal guys walked back and forth by the window with giant chunks of tree. *Blush*
We also sold our car yesterday. Not because we don't need one, but because we were tired of paying for repairs on our "made in Mexico" Volkswagen Jetta. (Das Auto my arse.) So we're in the market for another dependable wagon that will get us to Chicago, the Upper Peninsula, and maybe the East Coast at the furthest. Any suggestions? We're kind of thinking a Subaru.


Biz said...

does it make you feel better to know that it was 89 degrees and sunny in phoenix yesterday?

Emily said...

oh yes brett, absolutely it does. thanks for that.