Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Handmade Baby Bling

Jude has two new pairs of booties from friends and family that I need to show off.

These are his Mongolian baby boots that we got from Rhoda and Johan, friends who just finished up a stint teaching in Korea and went to Mongolia before they came home. (First of all, jealous, secondly, thankful they thought of Jude while there). Apparently many a Mongolian babe toddles around in these. I think they are made of wool and leather and are handmade by someone. Nice.

Here's a pic of J & J before church a few Sundays ago. Bambino is wearing a fantastic pair of hand-knit booties that were made by Jono's cousin Rachel. (Please note: he is also wearing a sweater.) My favorite part are the teeny wooden buttons. Rachel quick stitched them out during the few days we spent at their place in Seattle. Skillz.

I know most mama blogs tend to showcase the mama's own crafty abilities. Maybe you noticed that mine does not follow this trend. Someday I'll hone my fine motor skills and learn to sew and knit something other than a scarf that requires the same stitch over and over. Meanwhile I'll continue on that rust-orange scarf I started, like, two years ago.


Anonymous said...

Have you ever seen two better looking men together in your life?

Emily said...

Oooo, a secret admirer ;)