Monday, October 5, 2009

Have yourself a cliche little Christmas

My blog is in a bit of a famine period right now. I know this. And I'm sorry. But you all know why. I'll take every opportunity to post a little something that might make you giggle. It might make you frown. But either way, it's something you may be able to mull over and ponder throughout your day.

On that note, I recently wrote to my far-flung brothers about what to do about Christmas gifts this year, considering we're all broke. I got almost immediate responses from all three of them.

What I suggested was that it would be a good idea to draw names, and to save even more money, Mom and I thought we might also toss around doing homemade gifts: anything from knitted potholders (see photo: tackiest one I could find) to homegrown canned tomato sauce to a little ditty about your person accompanied by a glockenspiel.

Anyway, since no one in my family (other than Mom) takes any suggestion from anyone seriously, the responses are worth sharing.

Geertsma Family Christmas: Gift Ideas for 2009
  1. "that sounds great to me. I already bought personalized m&m's for all of you that say, "live, laugh, love" on them but i guess i can make something too." (Grant)
  2. "i've already made embroidered christmas sweaters for everyone so i'm way ahead of the game. love, Tyler"
  3. "I'm fine with this. As long as each one of you gets my name... twice. But in all seriousness yes, I'm ok with this. I'm not much of a susie homemaker so I probably won't be making anything myself, but I'm OK with somebody making something for me. As long as it looks and acts like a new car. Brett"
Happy Fall everyone!


Dad Geertsma said...

I am mulling and pondering about your blog, and I think I have it all figured out. Mom and I are getting huge gifts from the kids this year. Thanks for sacrificing for us, kids. I have heard that they make homemade snowblowers. Dad

Emily said...

i hope everyone knew i was kidding about the "mulling and pondering".